Dam-site Clark Dam Butlers Gorge Page 2 ( 21 - 41 )
Thumbnail Pictures Click to Enlarge

21draught.jpg (15605 bytes) 22spillwy.jpg (19044 bytes) 23trashrack.jpg (20259 bytes)
21 Steps near PowerHouse 22Splwy Weir 23 TrashRack Lowered
24preparing.jpg (20534 bytes) 25sawmill.jpg (8992 bytes) 26timbermill.jpg (18765 bytes)
24 Ready first pour 25 Sawmill 26 Timbermill
27tip.jpg (24959 bytes) 28powerhouse.jpg (39922 bytes) 29dam.jpg (7020 bytes)
27 Tip to Bucket 28 Pour P'Wr House 29 Upstream view
30works.jpg (6804 bytes) 31dam.jpg (12995 bytes) 32last.jpg (19576 bytes)
30 Works Store area 31 Upstream face 32 Last top
33duplex.jpg (7993 bytes) 34village.jpg (7199 bytes) 35village.jpg (9156 bytes)
33 Empty &Filling 34 Village all 35 Village from Majors
36hospital.jpg (9767 bytes) 37Dam.jpg (14278 bytes) 38finished.jpg (13804 bytes)
36 Hospital 37 Dam near finish 38 Section Letters
39timber.jpg (15287 bytes) 40two.jpg (16197 bytes) 41dam.jpg (17653 bytes)
39 Timber source far off 40 Two thirds done 41 One quarter done

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