22.12.1929  -

  Lofty Graue, son of Anton and Grace Graue was born in Wynyard, Tasmania on the 22nd of December 1929. A member of a pioneering family, from the early age of seven, he often accompanied his father into the bush. His formal school terminated on his twelfth birthday and he commenced his working lifetime a week later. He was an employee of A.P.P.M. and North Forest Products for fifty-four years. For fifteen years he excelled at Association Level in Australian Rules football (500 games), cricket, badminton, tennis and athletics. In 1956 he was encouraged by woodchopping handicapper Sid Pearce to direct his prowess to competitive woodchopping and from thereon has been successful in all five disciplines with a preference for the bigger "butcher" block events. He has competed at venues throughout Australia and since recuperating from a heart attack in 1991, has notched up participation in eighty events.   Involved in the sport for the past forty-six years, "Lofty" has modestly served for forty-two years as administrator, instigator, motivator and mentor. Under his guidance he has nurtured several young woodchoppers from the age of five years to competitive representation at the Under 21 year level and potentially to world championship status. He was Tasmanian Manager for the axemen's team to tour U.S.A. in 1986. On the North-West Coast of Tasmania, "Lofty" instigated the "Jack and Jill" and the "Dad and Lad" chop in 1989. With "Lofty's" support, the Devonport Apex Regatta Association has always strongly encouraged involvement of juniors in competitive events.

President of the North-West Tasmanian Axemen's Association for eleven years

President of the North West Tasmanian Axemen's Association for ten years

The longest serving and only present member of the inaugural Board of Directors for the Australian Axeman's Hall of Fame and Timberworks.


Since 1960, as well as his involvement with the Chopping Programme at the Devonport Apex Regatta and the Devonport Show, he has been made a Life Member of the Spreyton Football Club, Devonport Agricultural and Pastoral Society, North West Tasmanian Axemen's Association, Tasmanian Axemen's Association and the Devonport Apex Regatta Association.


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      Life Member:

Spreyton Football Club
Devonport Agricultural and Pastorial Society
North-West Tasmanian Axemen's Association
Tasmanian Axemen's Association.